▪︎ Strategy for communication and Win-Win

▪︎ Talent Management

▪︎ Status of HR

KISCO is committed to securing talented people who align with our management philosophy and company values. In order to respect diversity, there are no differences by gender, age, faith, or region of origin in recruiting and hiring members. In the case of people with disabilities and other social considerations, social responsibility in the recruitment process is fulfilled through non- discriminatory employment policies.

Employee status 2021 2022 2023 Remarks
Employee numbers Total employee numbers 621 586 534
Workers with no fixed contract 576 538 487 Out of 21 fixed term workers, 12 employees were
re-employed (as of 2023)
Fixed-term worker 21 23 21
Diversity Mandatory employment of
people with disabilities
To promote diversity and inclusivity,
we give preference points to applicants with
disabilities during employee recruitment.
We achieve this through inclusive hiring practices
and we ensure that social teams and workplace facilities
include provisions for people with disabilities.
Percentage of female employees 16.4%
18% of staff are women, excluding executives
(team leader, manager)
Percentage of female executives 12.5%
Proportion of female executives among all executives
Foreign employees 6 6 6 In order to recruit excellent foreign employees,
we are making continuous efforts such as attending
the international student recruitment fair.

▪︎ Human Resource Development

KISCO clearly identifies the roles and responsibilities required for each position in the company and operates a systematic education program to foster talented people who contribute to improving company-wide performance. There are orientation programs for new employees and new positions, leadership development by position, financial education. We also offer various online education programs such as training in communication, performance management and languages. These are opened to help executives and employees learn easily and conveniently anytime, anywhere. Currently, about 4,000 courses are registered on the in-house infrastructure network. In addition, through surveys and educational satisfaction surveys, programs are established and maintained by reflecting various educational needs and feedback from employees.
▪︎ Status of Education
Employee Training Year 2021 2022 2023
Average training hours per employee Time/ number 19.1 26.9 24.9
– Average training hours = Total training hours / total employees
– In 2021, due to the limitations on group education caused by the COVID-19 situation, it was temporarily operated in a reduced manner.
▪︎ Application for KISCO Cyber Training Institute
KISCO operates the “KISCO Cyber Training Institute” in collaboration with professional educational institutions, enabling employees to freely select and take various programs for developing job skills.
▪︎ 2023 Cyber Training Institute Competency Development Program Enrollment Status
Education Classification Types of Detailed Courses Completion Programs¹﹚
Number of Completion²﹚
Common / Job-specific Management Insight, Business Functions, Shared Values, Business Skills, IT, MBA, QA, etc. 70 71
Leadership General Leadership, People Management, Task Management, Self-Management, Organizational Management, etc. 44 42
Industry-specific Professional Skills Manufacturing, Trade/Logistics/Distribution, Engineering Basics, Construction, Finance, General Medicine, etc. 6 6
Foreign Languages English, Japanese, Chinese, Other Languages 36 32
Certification IT/OA, Manufacturing/Environment/Industry, Logistics/Distribution/Purchasing, Service, Taxation/Accounting, Safety, etc. 1 1
Total 159 154
1) Number of courses attended by our employees among approximately 4,000 courses offered
2) Cumulative number of completions in 2022
▪︎ Status of seminar operations in 2023
KISCO actively encourages participation in seminars provided by domestic and foreign institutions, and customers. These seminars enable KISCO staff to acquire diverse knowledge and broaden their perspectives.
Host Types of Detailed Processes Number of Courses Attended¹﹚ Number of Attendees²﹚ Duration of Attendance (Hours)³﹚
Domestic and International Institutions Current Issues, ESG, Economic Outlook, AI, Personnel Management, etc. 14 22 61
Clients Financial Markets, ESG, Digital Trends, Major Accidents Penalty Act, Leadership, etc. 11 139 272
Total 25 161 333
1) The number of courses actually attended by our employees at the seminar held.
2) Total attendance for the year 2023.
3) Total duration of courses attended in the year 2023.

▪︎ Respect for Human Rights

KISCO aspires to mutual prosperity and pledges to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities. It adheres to the fundamental principles of respecting human rights in business operations, as outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). These principles are integrated into the company’s sustainable management strategies and policies to enhance transparency and trustworthiness with employees.

KISCO’s Code of Ethics serves as a standard for decision-making and behavior, ensuring compliance with laws and ethics, and fulfilling the company’s social responsibilities through strategic corporate activities. The company explicitly states its human rights management policies, including “Non-discrimination/Equal Opportunities,” “Mutual Respect,” and “Respect for Human Rights,” for employees, contractors, customers, and shareholders. It prohibits forced labor, wage exploitation, and child labor, promotes respect for diversity, non-discrimination, and the pursuit of reasonable solutions. Additionally, KISCO complies with relevant labor laws in South Korea, such as the Labor Standards Act and the Maternity Protection Act and has internal regulations in accordance with these laws.

▪︎ Human Rights Violation Prevention Program

▪︎ Frequent Human Rights Violation prevention programs
Category Frequency Training hour per person Target of training
Sexual harassment prevention education Annual Over 1 hour All employees
Anti-bullying education in the workplace Annual Over 1 hour All employees
Education to improve awareness of people with disabilities Annual Over 1 hour All employees
Personal information security education Annual Over 1 hour All employees
Industrial health and safety education Branching Over 3 hours All employees
Training for new hires Occasional 8 hours New hires
Human rights education in onboarding Occasional Over 1 hour New hires
▪︎ Conduct an in-house campaign


▪︎ Complaint handling

KISCO operates a grievance handling process by designating responsible personnel to allow anonymous consultation. The scope of grievance handling at KISCO is based on the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which specify the company’s social responsibility in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. This includes not only workplace harassment and sexual harassment but also actions and cases that violate human rights or cause harm. Additionally, KISCO conducts regular consultations with resident contractors to listen to their opinions.

* Number of grievances received in 2023: 0 cases

▪︎ Complaint handling process

▪︎ Information protection system

▪︎ KISCO complies with Global Cloud regulation compliance programs through a strong Cloud control function. 
KISCO meets accepted, audited standards with respect to Cloud security and compliance with regulations.

▪︎ Conduct annual, occasional verification of system stability

▪︎ Performing vulnerability analysis for secure In-house information protection