▪︎ Strategy, Structures and Processes

▪︎ Organizational Structure

                            1) CFO: Chief Financial Officer
                            2) CSO: Chief Sustainability Officer
                            3) EHS: Environment, Health and Safety

▪︎ UN SDGs 17 goals

       Goal 01 End poverty in all its forms everywhere
       Goal 02 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
       Goal 03 End healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
       Goal 04 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
       Goal 05 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
       Goal 06 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
       Goal 07 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
       Goal 08 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
       Goal 09 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
       Goal 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
       Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
       Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
       Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact
       Goal 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
       Goal 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,
       Goal 15 and halt and reverse land degradation and prevent biodiversity loss
       Goal 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate justice for all land build effective,
       Goal 16 accountable and inclusive institution at all levels
       Goal 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development

▪︎ Materiality Issues

KISCO conducts an annual materiality analysis to identify issues of critical importance to our business. Items that are identified are incorporated into our business planning. We analyzed industry trends, international sustainable management standards, domestic ESG indicators, and constructed a significant issue pool through media research, benchmarking with similar industries, and reviewing internal conditions. We then selected the most significant issues by gathering opinions from management and other internal stakeholders.
▪︎ Materiality Issues Assessment Process

▪︎ Definition of stakeholders
KISCO’s stakeholders include both internal stakeholders, such as employees and management, and external stakeholders related to KISCO’s business activities, such as customers, partner companies, and shareholders.

▪︎ Identification of Issue Pool

Field NO KISCO Issue Pool Overall Issue Pool
Environment 1 Climate Change Response Climate Change Response (Carbon Emissions),
Improving Air Quality,
Wastewater Management and its Impact (Industrial Wastewater),
Water Resource Management (Water Usage),
Waste Management (Amount, Types, Impact),
Waste Recycling/Reuse, Energy Management (Electricity/Steam/LNG/Oil),
Eco-certification/Activities, Hazardous Substance Management,
Protection of Ecosystems, Sustainable Supply Chain.
2 Improving Air Quality
3 Circular Economy (Recycling/Reuse)
4 Wastewater Management and its Impact
5 Water Resource Management
6 Energy Management (Consumption)
7 Eco-friendly Product Development
Social 8 Human rights and diversity Talent development (education, recruitment),
Work-life balance (parental leave, welfare benefits),
Human rights and diversity (UNGC),
Labor-management relations (family council),
Industrial safety and health,
Products and services (safety and health, information/labeling),
Personal information protection,
Community involvement (contribution, programs),
Responsible procurement,
Co-prosperity with partners, Marketing/customer management,
Technology/innovation, Data security
9 Labor-management relations
10 Community involvement
11 Talent development
12 Workplace safety and health management
13 Future growth drivers
Governance 14 Legal compliance management Corporate governance structure, Protection of shareholder rights,
Transparency and independence of the board of directors,
Legal and ethical management,
Audit system, Anti-corruption program,
Risk management (financial/non-financial)
15 Ethics and anti-corruption

▪︎ Materiality Issues Matrix

▪︎ Key Certifications

Certificate Site First certification year Certified by
ISO 9001
Quality Management System
All site 2005 Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited
ISO 14001
Environmental Management System
KIF1, KIF3, KIF4 2005 Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited
ISO 45001
Occupational health and Safety Management System
KIF1, KIF3, KIF4 2005* Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited
Bluesign System
bluesign® System Partner Solutions and
services for sustainable textile industry
KIF1, KIF3, KIF4 2010 bluesign Technologies ag
Global Organic Textile Standard KIF1, KIF3, KIF4, KIF5 2008 Ecocert Group
ECO Passport by OEKO-TEX®
Certification system for chemicals, colorants and
auxiliaries used in the textile industry
Indoor Air Quality Safety Certification
KIF5 2023 UL Solutions
FSSC 22000
Food Safety Management Systems
JMC 2018 SGS United Kingdom Ltd.
Halal Assurance System
JMC 2020 Fatwa Commission of MU

*OHSAS 18001 initial certification year, transition from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 successfully passed in 2021.
※ KIF: Kyung-In Factory. Incheon Factory (KIF1, KIF2)/ Ansan Factory (KIF3)/ Sihueung Factory (KIF4,KIF5)/ Iksan Factory (KIF6)/ Yesan Factory (KIF7)

▪︎ Associations and Activities for Environmental Safety and Health

Association Activities
Chemicals Management Association Discuss about all laws, administrative rules, and system implementation information services related
to domestic chemical substances
Resource Circulation Council Support for the activities of the self-inspection council of waste treatment companies
Korea Fire Protection Agency Manage legal education for fire safety managers and hazardous materials safety managers
Incheon Regional Safety Management Council Discuss about changes of PSM system and checks on regular evaluation and inspection systems
Incheon Regional Chemical Plant Council Share public-private relations around chemicals and related policies
Chemical Plant Safety Management Council in Western Gyeonggi Province Cooperate with residences to share policies and training contents
Ansan/Siheung Chemicals Handling
Plant Representative Council
Raise environmental safety awareness by sharing government environmental policies to prevent chemical accidents
Ansan/Siheung Environmental Engineers Association Improved job skills for environmental technicians
Jeonbuk Regional Chemical Plant Council Exchange safety and health technical information including PSM roadmap in Jeonbuk region
Iksan Regional Safety and Health Council Exchange health and safety technical information in Iksan area to establish health and safety systems